Sunday, November 27, 2011


In my last post i talked about how to get inspiration. Another way to get inspiration is photography. If you are really a true artist you should love taking pictures and seeing pictures. A lot of the times I sit down to start a painting I always look back at photos I have taken or pictures I find on the internet. On a personal note, on Black Friday I got a camera and I am really stoked to start taking pictures with it and then get inspiration from them.
Artistically You

Friday, November 25, 2011

How to get Inspiration

No pieces of art can be started without inspiration. Inspiration is the base of a piece, think about writing, when your writing, .you can't start to write without brainstorming. It's the same thing with art. Well, how am I supposed to get inspiration? Think about your daily life, have you seen any thing new and exciting, did you travel to a new place or you can just document your daily schedule on a piece of paper. For example, today I had really delicious beligiam waffle made by my uncle. That's my inspiration. I hope you can now see how easy it is to find inspiration, you just have to be on the look out for a something that is art worthy,
Artistically You

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Long Island Scenery

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I had gone on a festive walk around Long Island, New York. We saw beautiful scenery. This gorgeous scenery inspired me to create a picture showing what I think about Long Island. My picture is going to show th glistening water in the sunset. For my medium I plan to use watercolor. Look out on this website for a list of items I will be using for my painting. Also look out for pics of Long Island, New York.have fun on Black Friday!
Artistically You!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Claude Monet- My favorite artist

Claude Monet(1840-1926)is truly my favorite artist. He was the founder of French impressionist paintings.He really stands out for me amongst all the other artists. When Monet first went to Paris he was said to be sitting near the windowsill with his art pad drawing with the sun beaming down on him. In my opinion Monet's works of art are an inspiration. Each brush stroke repressents a unique and different idea. My favorite painting of his is the Woman with a Parasol. I love this painting because in my mind I see s young woman looking out for trouble while protecting her dear one. Monet was truly a wonderful artist with an amazing talent.
Artistically You!

Passion for Art

Do you really have a passion for art? Having a passion for something means you feel happy when doing it and you are willing to take the time and effort out of your day to enjoy your passion. Art is not something that you can just work on occasionally. You have to be willing to take time out of your day to spend time and truly work on your piece. Everyone has a passion and everyone's passion requires time and effort.Just keep on enjoying what you like to do and remember everyone has a true love for one thing or another.
Artistically You!

The LA Art Show

The Los Angeles Art show running from Janurary 18 to the 22,2012. Join some of the top artists from all around the country to see a variety of their traditional and contemporary art. Enjoy loads of fun with different artists and their inspiring galleries. Only 57 more days until you set your eyes on the works of art on paper and the sculptures and much, much more. To learn more about the art show visit A review will be coming soon on this site.